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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Region 88 Glendale

Program Information

The American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) provides a recreational soccer program for children ages 2 through 18. AYSO is a national non-profit organization with almost 600,000 registered players and 200,000 registered volunteers. Our program has approximately 3,300+ players each season and operates in a regular season that begins on the Saturday after Labor Day in September and ends in mid-December. Games are played in Glendale, La Crescenta and Montrose, but anyone may register in our region, regardless of where you live.

Games / Practice

Games & Practice

Game and practices for all players in the U4, 5U to 19U are on permitted fields within Glendale and La Crescenta (see Fields tab on menu).

Practices may start on or after August 1 and are conducted during weeknights at a permitted location, once a week and up to 1.5 hours total, based on age divisions. In the Spring, most teams will practice every other week, depending on field availability. Once teams are formed, the day and location of practice are determined by the volunteer head coach and based on his/her availability. Read below for information on requests under Player Placement Policy.

Player Evaluations

Per Region 88 rules, every new player in the 10 and Under and older divisions must have a New Player Evaluation before being placed on a team. “New player” constitutes anyone who did not play in the Region the previous fall season. Placement on a team may be denied if a player is not able to attend an evaluation before the 3rd week in July if requested by the Division Coordinator or other qualified Region 88 volunteer.

Players are placed on teams based on the AYSO Philosophy of Balanced Teams. Each year, coaches are asked to provide detailed evaluations of players in order to accurately balance teams for the following season. Additionally, all evaluations are confidential and coaches should not share or discuss their evaluations with players or parents. Other variables that can affect player placement are factors such as positional expertise (goalkeepers) and historic volunteer support by parents.

Refund Policy

AYSO Region 88 Glendale allows for refunds under special circumstances. All special circumstance refund requests must be submitted through an online form and must include the reasons and or circumstances involved.

  • Any player who withdraws prior to the posted deadline for each season will be refunded their registration fee.
  • The annual AYSO National Membership Fee of $20.00 is non-refundable and non-transferable.
  • A $5 cancelation fee may be charged for all refunds. The parent/guardian requesting the refund must complete and submit an online Request Cancellation form.
  • The request must be submitted on or before the posted deadline for each program.
  • Please allow 12-14 working days for the approved refund to be processed and returned.
Visit Our FAQ section for additional information.

Request Policy

All AYSO regions strive to improve balancing each year and indeed no other board responsibility demands as many volunteer man-hours as team formation and balancing. 

The following requests are NOT granted in any division at any time:
  • Practice and/or game field location
  • Practice time or day
  • Requests to change teams after teams have been posted
Teammate and coach requests will only be considered in the U4, 5U and 6U divisions and are not guaranteed.

Please note that the practice and game schedules are posted AFTER the refund deadline. Please consider this BEFORE registering as there are no exceptions after the posted cancellation deadline.

 AYSO Region 88 Glendale is sensitive to requests to not being placed on a particular volunteer coach’s team when there has been a negative experience in the past. Requests of this nature are typically granted unless a parent has requested that his/her player not be placed on teams with the majority of coaches in the division. Additionally, parents should exercise caution when making such a request and be prepared to share their reasoning in detail. In all cases a request based on historical wins and losses shall be denied. 

Request to play in an older/younger division

AYSO National and Region 88 placement guidelines does to not allow any player play down (in a division with younger players). There are no exceptions. The Regional Commissioner may approve a player to "play up" in a division (with children older) depending on the player's experience and/or skill level.

Jewelry Policy

AYSO National Guidelines State:
"Players shall not wear anything that is dangerous to either themselves or other players subject to the referee’s approval under Law 4."

FIFA Law 4 states:
Law 4: The Players' Equipment. A player must not use equipment or wear anything that is dangerous. All items of jewelry (necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, leather bands, rubber bands, etc.) are forbidden and must be removed. Using tape to cover jewelry is not permitted.

All jewelry, including earrings of any kind, whether or not worn in any body piercing (visible to the referee), must be removed before the player is to be allowed to participate. The same is true of any stud which is used in a body piercing when the jewelry is not being worn. The same rules apply during practices as the wearer is at risk of severe injury. Beads worn braided into the hair are also to be regarded as jewelry.

The safety of our players is of paramount importance to AYSO. We follow AYSO National Guidelines and the FIFA Laws of Soccer when it comes to player equipment.  Please prepare ahead of time and do not allow this to become an issue prior to a game or practice.

Please adhere to our policies to keep ALL of our players safe.


Coaches Selection

If you are interested in coaching a team, please complete a Volunteer application by choosing either "Head Coach" or "Assistant Coach". Unfortunately, a desire to coach a Fall Season team does not guarantee placement as a coach. All coaching applicants, whether new or returning, are reviewed by the appropriate Division Coordinator, the Regional Coach Administrator, Regional Referee Administrator, Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate and Regional Commissioner.

Approval of a coaching applicant is based on many criteria including but not limited to a) background check b) coaching and referee certification level c) field reputation, sportsmanship and disciplinary history d) compliance with AYSO Region 88 Glendale, Area 1C, Section 1, and AYSO National Guidelines, Policy Statements and adherence and support of AYSO Philosophies.

AYSO Region 88 Glendale is willing to give coaches an opportunity to become more educated and develop a coaching style; however, all coaches should be aware that the prime objective is for players to have fun and develop their skills as an individual and a teammate. Coaches that lose sight of the primary goals of fun and development as a result of an excessive desire to win will be mentored and in extreme cases can be asked not to return to the coaching ranks.

Assistant Coaches, Requests and Retention

Many AYSO coaches begin as an Assistant Coach. This provides a perfect avenue for learning the game of soccer and developing a coaching style. Coaches should select an Assistant Coach that is dependable, willing to learn and above all interested in providing the players with an enjoyable sporting experience. It is the desire of AYSO Region 88 Glendale that Assistant Coaches be developed in hopes that they eventually become Head Coaches.

AYSO National Guidelines strictly forbid player retention and/or team building by strategic placement or year-over-year retention of Assistant Coaches (and by extension his/her son/daughter). AYSO Region 88 Glendale does sometimes place parent coaches together; however, this is generally avoided unless there is a significant underlying reason. Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Parents and Players should be aware that attempts to circumvent this policy is a direct violation of the AYSO Philosophy of Balanced Teams and can be grounds for Volunteer disciplinary action.

Pets on AYSO fields

No Pets at Region 88 Events

All AYSO Region 88 participants agree and understand that NO PET shall be permitted at any AYSO activity or event regardless of venue or location. This policy includes but is not limited to practices, games, picture day, team parties, tournaments, etc. This Policy is consistent with those of neighboring Regions and is in keeping with the AYSO Insurance Policy, which does not cover animal bites or related injuries. Properly registered service animals are generally exempt from this Policy.

You, as the primary player and account registrant, are also responsible for any friends or family members visiting the fields.

Unfortunately, if dogs or pets are not removed from games, we will have no choice but to suspend or even terminate the game.

Region 88 pays for and controls the soccer fields and surrounding areas in an exclusive use permit that provides us the right and with that right, we are required by our National Bylaws and Insurance to comply with our published guidelines.

Service animals are allowed under the following conditions:

ADA in public places: The Americans with Disabilities Act applies to employers, state and local governments and public places.

The law narrowly defines service animals as any dog that is trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a physical or mental disability.

Emotional support animals do not qualify as service animals under the ADA, the California Unruh Civil Rights Act nor the Disabled Persons Act.

State and local governments, businesses and nonprofits generally must allow service dogs to accompany people with disabilities in any part of a facility open to the public, unless doing so interferes with legitimate safety requirements, or the dog is out of control.

If you are bringing a legal service animal to our fields, we require that you first inform our referee staff that is present at the game so that they can provide guidance on ensuring that the animal does not interfere with the game and remains in control. Please also reach out to our Regional Commissioner at [email protected] for approval before the event/game begins.

Referees and Coaches will be advised to suspend a game if a pet is not removed from a field during play. 

Thank you for your understanding and support. Please click here for more information from AYSO National

Our Programs

U4 Playground (Ages 2-4)
This program features Activity Leaders, certified through the AYSO National Coaching Program, who understand the needs and capabilities of toddlers sensitive to the needs and the bonding experience of the parents.

5U Schoolyard (Ages 3-5)
Children get to play soccer in an age-specific program on Saturday only.

Core Program (Ages 5-19)
AYSO’s most popular program where a majority of kids fall in love with soccer and make lifetime memories.

VIP (Very Important Players)
Provides a quality soccer experience for children and adults whose physical or mental disabilities make it difficult to participate on mainstream teams.

Contact Us

We are here to help, but please consider we are all volunteers and do our best to answer in a timely manner.

Regional Commissioner
Aldo Mascheroni: [email protected]

Registrar at [email protected]

Child/Volunteer Protection Advocate
CVPA Scott Nord: [email protected]

Coach Administrator
Iain Blackwood: [email protected]

Referee Administrator
Craig Dunkin: [email protected]

Safety Coordinator
Ross Paulson: [email protected]

Transaction Fee

The Regional Management System under Sports Connect will include a fee. Following the conclusion of successful negotiations between AYSO and Sport Connect, we have negotiated a $2.75 per transaction fee*. This fee does not apply to volunteer registrations, only players.

Drop off policy

It is strongly recommended that a player’s parent or guardian be present during all AYSO games and practices. If that is not possible, parents or guardians are required to inform the coach beforehand, preferably by email.

They must inform the coach:
  • Who will be bringing their child.
  • Who will be picking up their child.
  • Who is responsible and should be contacted in case of injury or emergency during the game or practice.
  • Contact numbers for all responsible persons must be included.
When arriving at practices or games, parents must not drop off players at fields without contacting the coach. The person responsible for the player must walk them to the coach.

Youth Referee Program (PRO)

Region 88 has a program just for referees under the age of 18. It is called the Player Referee Organization or PRO, which stands for Player Referee Organization. It is the standard name given to AYSO Referee programs geared towards kids 18 years old and younger. Anyone is welcome to become a youth referee – they do not have to be a soccer player to join PRO. However, 95% of AYSO youth referees are also soccer players and therefore the program is named Player Referee Organization.

National guidelines state that kids 12 years old and older can become certified referees or Regional Referees (10U or 12U games).

For more info, please contact the PRO directors at [email protected].

Fall Season Information

Fall | Primary Season

The Fall Season is our primary Season or Core Season. Registration opens in April and practices start on or after August 1. Games begin in September through late November or early December, depending on calendar dates and scheduling for field conflicts, holidays and other community events.

Participation in the Fall Season is required for some programs (eg. All-Stars) but not required to participate in the Spring (Second) season.

Season Highlights

Registration Period Opens: May 1 / Closes: August 10 (dates subject to change)
Play Period (Practice) Begins on or after August 1; Games begin on September 10 
Ages 3 to 18  /  VIP (Special needs): Open to all ages
Age Groups U4 Playground: 3-year-olds  /  5U Schoolyard: 4-year-olds
Core: 6U to 14U; 16U/19U   /   VIP: All ages
Schedule 5U-14U/ VIP: 10 weeks (Saturdays)
16U/19U: 10 weeks (Saturday and/or Sundays) {dependent on the number of players registered}
U4 Playground: 6 Saturday sessions
Practice schedules will be made available in late July after teams are formed. Game schedule to be made available by August 14.
Games may be canceled due to bad weather and/or unsafe field conditions. 
Practice timesU4/5U: 1 hour practice and game combined on Saturday (only)
6U/7U/8U: 4:30-5:30 pm (day and location selected by the team's head coach in July)
10U/12U: 5:30-6:45 pm or 6:45-8:00 pm (both divisions may begin practice at either of these times)
14U/16U/19U: 8:00-9:30 pm
Game Locations See Fields (under Resources)
Registration includes Full uniform (shirt, shorts and socks), trophy and yearbook. 

Click here for the Fall Registration page or Program Updates

Spring Season Information

Spring | Second Season

The Spring Season known as the Second Season runs from March to May. Participation in the Fall Season is not required.

Season Highlights

Registration Period January - February
Play Period March - May (weather permitting)
Ages 3 to 18  /  VIP: Open to all ages
Age Groups Core program 6U to 14U
Playground (U4): 2-3 year olds
Schoolyard (5U): 3-4 year olds
Schedule 5U-14U/VIP: 8-10 games (on Saturday)
U4: 6 Saturday sessions
Game and practice schedules will be made available in February or after teams are formed.
Games may be canceled due to bad weather and/or unsafe field conditions. 
Game Locations See Fields (under Resources)
Registration includes Full uniform (shirt, shorts and socks) and participation medal. 

Click here for the Spring Registration page 

National Partners

Platinum Sponsors

Contact Us

AYSO Region 88

2515 Canada Blvd 
Glendale, California 91208

Email Us: [email protected]
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